Amazon Ads are becoming one of the main forms of e-commerce advertising, whether you sell on Amazon or not. A successful advertising strategy is constantly evolving, and so are the Amazon Ads products to support these campaigns. Amazon recently released new updates to all of the Sponsored Ads products and the corresponding reporting to help those using Amazon Ads to further streamline and optimize their ad campaigns.
This new push-based feature allows advertisers access to nearly real-time data reports, available by the hour. Using AWS account details, API users can subscribe to campaign data sets and receive hourly performance metrics. This currently includes targeting expression performance by placement and budget consumption, with more data sets becoming available in the coming months.
This new access can help advertisers optimize their campaigns more effectively, thanks to intra-day insights. Hourly updates also allow API users to react quickly to campaign changes, such as budget consumption for further optimization. Finally, the Marketing Stream can help improve operational efficiency, because you get changes in real-time rather than aggregated over a period of time and the stream delivers metrics directly that simplify complex operations.