A/B testing (also known as bucket testing or split-run testing) is a frequently used experimentation method in product development and marketing.
In the Amazon cosmos, consumers are shown two different versions of content in a given time period. One version serves as a “control” while the other one tests a new element.
At the end of the monitoring period, Amazon metrics on user behavior (e.g. conversion rate or units sold) indicate which version has a better impact on your business.
Live A/B Testing can be implemented with the following elements: Main Images, Product Titles, A+ Premium Content.
These tests can be used as a basis for deciding which type of main image/product title or A+ Premium Content should be used for a specific product line or target group, in a specific category or in a specific country.
The process of testing different versions online always starts with a brainstorming session to raise ideas, which are then translated into a viable hypothesis to test. From there on, we support you with the test upload, monitoring and evaluation of results.
Contact me now – in case this topic is currently relevant for you or if you have any other questions and needs in terms of driving the efficiency and growth of your Amazon business.
Veronica Wolf
Account Manager